Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rania's Gastric Bypass Surgery Experince

I keep getting the same question. If I was to go back in time...would I be doing the gastric bypass surgery?

Sure I answer, NO.
Short answer, NO.
Longer answer, NO, but I'd like to pick a different variety.
I didn't have the option at that time. At that time, I was told by the surgeon and the team that probably, "probably" I was a binge eater and I would eat my way out of it. We all know that regardless of your eating difficulties prior to weight loss surgery and regardless of the method of weight loss surgery you will out eat it regardless of what they do to you. That said, I would not, should not, could not, ever again, or would I suggest the RNY to any healthy, young, female, under the age of 30, or the age doesn't really matter. I was 25, I was healthy, I have no health complications, I have no comorbities of obesity, no diabetes, no high cholesterol, no high blood pressure, I had nothing wrong with me other than the fact that I weighed over 300lbs, nothing's wrong with me. My WLS was entirely done in vanity. I admit it worked. Now, Four years later,  I paid the price. I have been dealing with severe anemia for 3 years, I have been severely reactive hypoglycemic for at least 2 and a half years, I have vitamin issues, I'm vitamin B12 deficient, vitamin D deficient, anyway, it's a trade. I gave up the excess weight and gained health problems. People say you did this to yourself. When I go to hematologist for the iron infusion, people tell me, you have WLS, you chose to do this to yourself, now you've got to have to take iron infusion, you'be got to take B12 injections, you take carb medication to block the carbs because your blood sugar goes too low, you've got to do this and this and this because you had WLS  you chose to do this, this is selective surgery, and they say weren't you warned of all these things? I just say, yeah,.. I know, a little bit, but anyway, there's nothing I can do at this point changes any of it. What I am doing right now, sounds like whining to me. I really don't like to do it. People keep asking "do you have any regret?" Nothing positive comes out of it. My only goal is to help. I'd like to see people think about what they're doing they need to consider their option before they jump into something because I jumped into it. I was like, I'm gonna lose 150 lbs wohoo! and then I didn't consider, I had no idea that four years down the line I would be little miss medical ID bracelet. I had no idea. I mean, I think people answering on a trend of obesity help right now, is there like... did you have any regret? I'm 9 weeks up to date, I'm on top of the world! and... and I'm going Oh, my god! Well, okay you're on top of the world right now but hey Rania, your hair ain't fell out yet. I mean, things happen. So anyways, my sure answer was NO, I would not have the RNY gastric bypass again. No way! not after this past year. Have you asked me after the 6 weeks time? I would have said Yes, I'm on top of the world! Have you asked me in a year out? My answer would have been Yes. Have you asked me after 18 months? It would have been NO, well at 18 months is kinda Maybe and then, NO. That's when hypoglycemia I had started so NO. My answer to all of you asking, is NO. To Anyone, consider your options, think about these things: if you are healthy, young, little to know how morbidity is, less than a 150 lbs to lose, think long and hard before you roll yourself into that surgical procedure. Think about what you're willing to give up and what you might be willing to trade. It is a serious business. It can't just be about losing weight and looking good. Who cares how good you look when you're dead.
If only I had options and if only I knew about the Roca Labs Mini Gastric Bypass No Surgery Formula before I did the WLS, I will definitely go for this natural weight loss.
Just watch this video so you'll know what I'm talking about.

This is all about myself , my personal experience so please respect my thoughts before commenting.


  1. Its not yet too late to go for the RocaLabs natural weight loss. I think you should go for it.

  2. You must go for it. I have been using for 2 months and lost 15 pounds...I must say I hate the consistency and wish it was an easy to swallow pill....but that won;t stop me from looking gorgeous again :)

  3. Thank you for helping me decide that I shouldn't take the surgery. You did really help me decide since I'm at the state of desperately wanting to lose weight.

    1. I understand how you feel. However, you need to weigh things out. It's not all about losing weight but health should be our priority. You're welcome and thanks for reading my post. Take care!

  4. I think the formula is much much better than the surgery.

  5. It is good that you have found Roca Labs Formula, this is a life saver for all of us.

  6. I am using Roca Labs Formula and it has been helping me. I have lost weight gradually but its okay, I know it will be a long journey but then its effective. No life threatening adverse effects.

    1. That's great to hear and you must be thankful it's a healthy way of losing weight unlike what I have experienced. Good luck with your journey!

  7. How come my niece didn't have a good result with rocalabs? Don't it work the same manner for everyone? such a lot of money to loss!

    1. Hello there, the Formula is always successful in making you feel full. However, if you do not use it right, it will not work for you. Try their support, the customer care are surely willing to assist your niece for the correct dosage and timing of using the Formula. I hope it helps.

  8. Sorry to hear you are experiencing these complications. I hope you get better. Thank you for this warning. It means a lot to most of us considering surgery to lose weight but I have to think several times before I jump into it. Take care!

  9. Gosh...Most of us just want to jump at the easy solution to lose weight and look good without considering the complications it would pose to our health. Thank you for letting me know the risks that I would be taking if I undergo surgery. Roca Labs seems like a better alternative. May I ask if it has side effects I should be concerned about?

    1. I guess you will say the Formula is too good to be true because it really is. The side effects are very minimal and can be prevented by taking 8-10 glasses of water daily as our body needs it and since the formula contains large quantity of fibers.

  10. So what happen after you stop using this thing? Do you get fat again?

    1. The Formula's main goal is to train your stomach to eat less and make you get used to eating less over time. Once you reached your goal you may gradually adjust to minimize the dosage and stop using the Formula.

  11. I'm sorry for what happened to you. Your blog will really change anyone's thoughts about having a surgery.

  12. I wish you're all better now and living a more healthier and fruitful life. I was considering and thinking a lot about having a surgery, was about to take the risk but now I'm rethinking about it. Is the Roca product having the same effect as the surgery?

  13. It's one big reason I chose to order roca labs after a lot of research, I am so scared of surgery and its complications. I am waiting for my order :)

  14. Got scared reading about those complications of weight loss surgery. I'm sorry you had to go through all that before finding a better alternative to lose weight.

  15. Thanks for reading my post, Cleo. I'm trying to keep moving despite of struggles I'm going through. I am at a healthy weight now, but never healthy at all. If I had the chance to select between the "fat Me before" or the "skinny Me now" I would prefer being fat but energetic and not needing all these injections to cope with my malnutrition.

  16. A colleague died few months after surgery. What a loss. If only we have found this gastric bypass without surgery... Too late. I hope this can reach more people.

  17. I saw more horrors in Youtube about this gastric bypass complications and it's not worth a risk with pain from the start to lifetime. Obesity and it's co-morbidity is already way too much and to add the dangers of surgical complications.... Well, you know the rest. (Research even shows some die even within few weeks after a gastric surgical knife.)

  18. Thank you. You opened my eyes that weight loss surgery is not the answer for fast weight loss. The risk and complications are just not worth it

  19. I have a friend who had gastric bypass in the past, and still regained weight. She can't go through the whole ordeal again and thought she lost hope forever. I introduced her to rocalabs and she has been successful in losing weight. If you're in this position, rocalabs who has the same effect as gastric bypass can help you.

  20. I am researching on this new found tool for obesity and I think this blog is getting me to weight in safety and effectiveness. Will dig some more info before getting a final decision.

  21. Hi! I have been looking for ways to lose weight. I have never considered undergoing gastric bypass surgery because of the underlying complications that I may have. Having gastric bypass surgery often involves a second or third operation to fix problems which arise after the initial surgery. That will be like traumatic for me both emotionally and financially. So I have found a gastric bypass alternative which is called Roca Labs Formula. I have been successful in my weight loss journey with this Formula. Its been a month now and I have already lost 25lbs.

    1. Congrats on your weight loss. Remember to keep it slow and steady so you don't get all the weight back.

    2. I will keep that in mind Andrea....thanks for the tips.

    3. Pls update us here after another month or so. We are going to track your progress for me and my wife to decide for a better way to improve our weight. Thanks.

  22. It's better to be safe than just losing weight the wrong way and regret it forever.

    1. That's true, Mike. I had to get myself out of the regretful experience but until now, I'm still suffering of the weight loss surgery back job.
